I have 4 sisters altogether and I love them all very dearly. 3 of my sisters are older then me ,and only one of them is younger her name is Leona. It just so happens that the one I'm writing about is the youngest one. She is 2 1/2 and is a complete doll. She is not like most little girls. She is wild and loves to scream the song "Jesus Loves Me" all the time. But that's not all, she loves to wear pretty things ,and do everything that (I) sissy does. She is so different then any of my 2 younger siblings.
I am so blessed to have a sister like her. The sad thing about that is it's taken me almost 2 years to really see what a blessing she is. I have always loved her and adored her ,but never as much as I should have.
This morning when I was heading out to go feed my animals I found a small girl (Leona) still in PJ's ,and wearing her cowgirl boots standing by the door. I knew by the way she looked at me that she was attending to come outside with me. But I asked anyways . "Leona where are you going?" " Me goin outside with YOU!" I just wish I could write what it felt like. The way she said it ,she was very determined to come outside . It was like God was showing me how much I was neglecting my little sister.I thought about the mornings before. When she would ask me if she could come outside with me. I very selfishly would tell her "no"
knowing that it would only be more work for me.It was hard for me to see my little sister all ready and so full of hope ,because I knew that many times before it had been just like that but I told her "No" and never even thinking about her or her feeling.
Not that telling her "no" is wrong ,but when I did it I was sinning I was only thinking of myself first. I was not working on a relationship that will last forever. I really want to ask everyone that they would be building relationships with their family. No matter how much of an age different there is. Because they love you and want to be with you. Some times we need to realize how much we tell then "No." Have fun with then ,and let them help you through out the day. It may take longer , but someday it may be to late to spend time with them.