Do you know that Prayer is not simply something we are allow to do as a Christian; prayer is actually one of the great purposes for which God chose to save me. As Christ said, "I chose you... that whatever you ask of the Father in my name He may give to you." I am a chosen one of God , I was saved to pray, and whenever I come into God's presence to behold Him, worship Him, or ask Him anything, I am arriving at the pinnacle of God's saving purposes for me.God is radically committed to my life of prayer. He sent His son to die so that I can stand in front of Him in love. Through the cross I have found a way into His Holy Place. "Draw near," He say in Hebrew 10. "Pray without ceasing," He not only says this once but many times. How can it be that even though I know that Christ's flesh was torn for me so that I would be able to pray. And that even though He tells me to Pray always. I still find myself not allowed to pray.
The Bible serves as the sweetest invitation for us to pray when I preach it to myself each day I will learn more and more. Soon it will nurture within me a mighty impulse to come before God in Love, and do the praying I was elected to do.
Dear great God,
Would you please fill my mind with Wisdom. Would you allow my eyes to not look at lustful things but rather look at Pure and Righteous things..Would there be Peace and Kindness on my lips. Would your Love and Mercy be in my heart. Would my heart not want anything as much as I want you. Would my hands Work hard for you. Serving as you served. Would I walk in your Path. Would you make me know you more. Would you show me your heart regarding me.
I love you Lord Amen